The Journeymen

Interdependence, community, adventure, service and ceremony for men in a world that needs regeneration.


What are we?


We are a community of men seeking exploration of ourselves and the world around us. We Learn from each other’s process and support each other in the journey. We are brothers, sons, partners, fathers, husbands and friends who need spaces to let our souls express and grow more fully.




Collective Process




Who are we?

Journeymen was founded to find ways of coming into relationship with communities and lands that sustain us. To do this, we gather men in ritual, service, and ceremony to spend days focusing on our physical and mental wellbeing, our inner wisdom, and the ways we can challenge the dominant cultural patterns that contribute to separation and isolation.

Who aren’t we?


Someone who is trying to fix you

Here to tell you what being a man is or is not

We are NOT faith based but we believe that connection to something greater, whether it be earth, ancestors, each other or your own beliefs is undeniably important.

We are not here to lead you anywhere, we walk the path together.

You may feel called if you…

  • Are feeling a need for deeper connection to yourself and other men

  • Have checked all the boxes and did what was asked of you, but are left wondering “Is that it?”

  • Are lacking time to focus on yourself

  • Feel like the pressure to succeed and do it all is overwhelming at times

  • Are craving a sense of community where people get you

  • Want to do more of what makes you feel alive but responsibilities get in the way

  • Are navigating or contemplating a transition

  • Experience isolation or loneliness

  • Have trouble answering the question “Who am I”

  • Struggle with your purpose


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”

carl jung


Serving the whole person

Thriving requires a holistic approach

01. Mind

We spend most of our time with our attention pulled in many directions by the various distractions of the modern world. We can be easily confused and absorbed by a never ending stream of information.

We believe that by choosing to sit in deeper presence with the larger questions that we may be struggling with, and cultivating awareness practices we can bring our minds to more clarity and wisdom.

02. Body

We intend to both push ourselves and care for ourselves equally. We can come into a deeper relationship with our physical being by listening to the  information and experiences stored there that we may be avoiding.

Using different practices of embodiment, recreation, movement, and awareness - we can access our bodies as guides to its innate wisdom.


03. soul

As men we support and prioritize many people in our lives, but often we don’t have a sense of being held ourselves. In many cases, our pathways to community and connection have fallen away. And so we struggle through without having spaces that we can show up to ask for support. We are programmed as men to not show vulnerability or pain to others, especially to other men.

By inviting shared ritual back into our lives we can find the support that we as men often struggle to find. Our aim is to reconnect ourselves with our community, earth, and spirit while navigating individual systems of belief.


Our Story

We are men who have navigated deep suffering ourselves, we are men who witnessed it happening to too many other brothers. We saw that men could only whisper their challenges instead of speaking directly to them. These experiences gave us the awareness that something was off, that this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. For many of us who worked with communities throughout the globe, we understood that finding circles of shared connecting and meaning helped life become rich, textured, and full of possibility. We also understood that the construct masculinity in the west left most of us without a sense of deep brotherhood.

One of life’s greatest gifts is belonging to a meaningful community. As Journeymen, we value connecting with other like minded men to walk alongside; to exchange ideas and lessons learned.

The power of learning together and supporting each other through the journey is paramount to becoming happier, more resilient, and more connected to the world around us.

It was from this place of shared experience, from the exchange of different ways of being in the world, that the idea of Journeymen was formed.

As Journeymen, we believe that the experience of life is better together.


